

[KB641]VBA installation Failure

Tags: Installation

12 years ago
By admin_doc72
Applies to:

PcVue version 10.0 onwards
FrontVue version 4.2 onwards


This article describes a possible cause of the following behavior.
The installation fails although it seemed to run to completeion OK. The installation rollbacks and deletes everything that was installed.


You must be sure that you are in this particular case.

Do the following:

  1. Open the log file of the installation MSIxxxxx.log (For details, see KB569: Troubleshooting PcVue 10.0 installation)
  2. Search for these 2 following strings
    1. MainEngineThread is returning 3010
      Must appear once, just before the rollback begins
    2. is being held in use
      Must appear twice
      Info  1603. The file C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\MSO.DLL is being held in use.
      Info 1603. The file C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\MSO.DLL is being held in use by the following process: Name: jqs, Id: 500, Window Title: ‘(not determined yet)’.
  3. Check that the process that locks the file is “jqs”
  4. If yes, then this article applies.

How to: 

jqs = Java Quick Starter. This is a process launched at startup.We must either not start it automatically or close it before installing PcVue.To avoid the automatic start of jqs, you can do the following:

  1. Open Control Panel, Choose Programs and then Choose Java : the Java Control Panel is displayed
  2. In the Advanced tab, Miscellaneous node, uncheck Java Quick Starter
  3. Click on Apply, then OK
  4. Restart the computer

You can check that jqs is no longer started using the task Manager. You can then start PcVue installation again.


  1. This behaviour happens only during first installation if VBA is not already installed
  2. To install a later version, it is strongly advised to ugrade the current installed version (without uninstalling it), to avoid to uninstall / reinstall VBA.

Additional information:

As the installation of VBA requires a reboot, the return code is 3010. This code is considered as an error code (although it is not) by the installation chainer. (InstallShield editor was asked about this anomaly and answered it will not be fixed)

Created on: 23 May 2013 Last update: 04 Sep 2024