

[KB795]Using an AIGrid based utility to select special characters for display in the HMI

Tags: Command line, HMI, Scada Basic

10 years ago
Applies to:

PcVue 11.1 and later


This utility (using a mimic containing an AIgrid, and a SCADA Basic program) allows you to create strings of characters that can copied and pasted into the Text drawing element in the HMI. It allows selection of any of the 256 characters from a code page, many of which are not available from a standard keyboard. For the characters to be displayed correctly the corresponding code page must also be selected in the Text drawing element. This utility has the big advantage of not requiring any external resource or any special Language configuration in PcVue or Windows.

The mimic now also includes a button that copies the string to the clipboard (using a command line) making it simple to paste into the desired PcVue text field.

code page


The procedure

  1. Copy the mimic corresponding to the code page you are using (turkish, greek etc.) from the sample project to the target project.
  2. Copy the SCADA BAsic program PICKER.SVB from the sample project to the target project and load it.
  3. Open the mimic. It contains an AIGrid that will automatically be populated with the 256 glyphs corresponding to the selected code page.
  4. Generate a string by clicking each character in turn.
  5. The string is displayed using a Send-Text animation. You can copy the contents to the clipboard by selecting it and using Ctrl-C.
  6. Paste the copied string into a text field in the target application. The text field must have the correct code page selected to display the correct glyphs.

 special chars

Further Information

Strings containing special characters can be pasted into many of the text fields in PcVue. For example Associated Labels. The special characters may appear incorrect in the configuration field but will appear correctly in the HMI as long as the support drawing element has the correct code page selected.

Glyph is the proper name for the graphic representation of a character on the screen.


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Created on: 15 Jul 2015 Last update: 13 May 2024