

[KB717]Sentinel troubleshooting guide

Tags: Dongle, Sentinel

10 years ago
Applies to:

Sentinel keys (SuperPro, UltraPro, Sentinel Hardware Keys).


This guide is intended to assist our end-users troubleshoot issues with Sentinel keys.
This guide provides in-depth troubleshooting of Sentinel System Drivers along with troubleshooting both Parallel and USB Sentinel keys. This guide also contains a complete description of the driver installation.


Diagnostic Utility – Sentinel Advance Medic

Sentinel Advance Medic (SAM) utility is used to detect that a Sentinel key (SuperPro, Ultrapro, or Hardware key), or Sentinel Driver are installed properly and working fine. Using SAM you can also generate log file for analyzing the issue if any.

From where to install:

You can download the Sentinel SuperPro Medic utility from the hyperlink given below:

How to use Sentinel Advance Medic:

⇒ Make sure the key is securely attached to the port.
⇒ Run Sentinel Advance Medic.
⇒ Click  on  Troubleshoot  button.  If  you  want  to  perform  your  test  in  Network
mode click on Network Test button.
⇒ For generating a log file select Enable Logging check box. It will create a log file
named “SentinelLog” in the current directory.

Following is the screenshot from Sentinel Advance Medic:

You should have red cross, as can be seen in the picture above. Click Acknowledge button to ignore checks about Sentinel Protection Server and Sentinel Keys Server. Finally you should have this result if everything is OK:


Cleanup Utility – SDCleanup

SSDcleanup.exe is a utility, which removes all installations of Sentinel System Driver from the system. The purpose of this utility is to solve the “sticky” installation problems faced by the customer. The “Sticky” installation problem relates to that state of Sentinel driver installation, which leaves the customer in a situation where he can neither install newer version of the driver nor un-install the older one. This utility will clean up all the installed Sentinel Drivers and bring the system to a state it was before installing any of the Sentinel Drivers.

From where to download:
You can download the SSDCleanup utility from the hyperlink given below:

How to use SSDCleanup:

Run the SSD Cleanup utility only if there are issues uninstalling the older version of the driver. In normal situations, the steps given for un-installation should be enough.

Note: We recommend using the normal driver un-installation (Control Panel _ Add or Remove Programs) for the drivers. SSDCleanUp might remove your Sentinel protected software application and other Sentinel SDK installation. Therefore, SSDCleanUp should be used as the last option for driver uninstall.

1). Use the link below to download the SSDCleanUp utility.

2). Reboot the system.

Following is the screenshot from SSDCleanUp utility:

Driver Installation / Uninstallation 

Steps for installing the Sentinel Drivers:

1. Please make sure that the key(s) is /are unplugged.

2. Download the latest Sentinel Protection Installer from the link:

3. Do a custom Install by selecting only USB System Driver and Parallel Driver.

4. Click Next to proceed with the installation.

5.  When installation is finished, restart your machine, then connect your key.

Try to find the key with Sentinel SuperPro Medic and Sentinel Advanced Medic, as explained earlier in this document.

Sentinel System Driver. What gets installed?  
It is important to know what gets installed on your system; it will help you troubleshoot and go through our tips. There are two versions of our drivers that could be installed, our Legacy and our Internet Installer versions. Our Internet Installer is our latest version of the driver, which allows any user to run a simple executable, and install our driver. This version  will  install  documentation,  a  small  utility  called  SetupSysDriver.exe,  the  driver and  modify  registry  entries.  The driver and the registry entries differ from operating system to operating system.

The default installation locations are:

Windows 32-bit is C:\Program Files\CommonFiles\SafeNetSentinel\Sentinel System Driver
Windows 64-bit is C:\Program Files (x86)\CommonFiles\SafeNet Sentinel\Sentinel System Driver

For Windows NT, 2000 and XP (32-bit), Server 2003 (32-bit) and Vista (32-bit) the following driver files will be installed in the C:\Windows\system32\drivers directory.
• Sentinel.sys (Sentinel parallel driver).
• Sntnlusb.sys (Sentinel USB driver).

For Windows XP (64-bit), Server 2003 (64-bit) and Vista (64-bit) the following driver file will be installed in the C:\Windows\system32\drivers directory
• Sntusb64.sys (Sentinel USB driver).

Steps to uninstall the Sentinel Protection Installer
For (32-bit and 64-bit) Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP2, Server 2003, Vista, win 2008 and Windows 7

1. Unplug the key(s)

2. Uninstall:  the Sentinel Protection Installer. To uninstall Sentinel Protection Installer/Sentinel Keys Protection Installer or Sentinel Security Runtime.
⇒ Go to “Add/Remove Programs” (Vista is Programs and Features) from the Control Panel via Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs or Programs and Features
⇒ Find the “Sentinel Protection Installer ” from the list and remove the item(s).
⇒ However, if you do not see the “Sentinel Protection Installer” on the list, move to Step 4. Otherwise go to step 6.

3. Manually delete the “Sentinel.sys” and “sntnlusb.sys”, or “skeysusb.sys”, or “Sentinel64.sys” and “sntusb64.sys” files.

4. To delete the “Sentinel.sys”, “sntnlusb.sys” and “skeysusb.sys” files:
⇒ Open the Windows Explorer.
⇒  Go to (for Win 2000) C:\winnt\system32\drivers\ or for (32-bit) Win XP/Server 2003/Vista, C:\Windows\system32\drivers
⇒  Find “Sentinel.sys”, “sntnlusb.sys” and “skeysusb.sys” from the list of files.
⇒ Right Click on the file, and choose delete. Click “Yes” when asked for the

5. To delete the “Sentinel64.sys” and “sntusb64.sys” files:
⇒ Open the Windows Explorer.
⇒  Go to C:\Windows\system32\drivers for (64-bit) Win XP/Server 2003/Vista/win2008/Windows 7.
⇒  Find “Sentinel64.sys” and “sntusb64.sys” from the list of files.
⇒  Right Click on the file(s), and choose delete. Click “Yes” when asked for the confirmation.

6. To delete the server and driver files:
⇒ Open the Windows Explorer.
⇒  Go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\SafeNet Sentinel.
⇒  Delete the following directories:
1) Sentinel System Driver    2) Sentinel Protection Server    3) Sentinel Keys  4) ServerSentinel Security Runtime

Parallel Port Settings

If you are using a parallel port key then check in the BIOS, the port must be set to “enabled” and not “OS controlled”.
There are some BIOS settings, which we do recommend to our customers and are useful for Windows:
Mode: ECP or PS/2,
Port address: 378h,
IRQ: 7 and
DMA: 3

Port Converters

Sorry USB to Parallel adaptors/converters are not supported as they do not provide a “physical address” (i.e. 378) within Windows. Therefore our drivers can not communicate with the keys.
In order to add a Parallel port on laptops, the solution is to use a Parallel PCMCIA cardbus.

Automatic detection of new Parallel Ports:

Our latest “Sentinel Protection Installer” will automatically detect additional parallel ports on  PCI/PCMCIA  cards  (the  additional  LPT  ports  should  have  already  been  installed  in Windows).

Manual detection of new Parallel Ports:

There are no special installation requirements, just follow the normal installation procedure.
Perform the following steps to determine the resources used by the adapter:

1. From the Control Panel, double-click the System icon to open the System Properties page.

2. Click the Hardware tab and then the Device Manager Button to open the Device Manager.

3. Click the + sign next to Ports (COM & LPT) to expand the tree.

4. Double-click on PCI Card (LPT1) to open the property sheet for the PCI adapter.

5. Click on the Resources tab to see the resources used by the adapter.
For many adapters the port address is shown under the resources of the Multi-IO adapter and not under LPT ports.
The value circled in red in the Parallel PCI Card properties page above is the address used by the parallel port. Perform the following steps to configure the Sentinel System
Driver to use the port address:

1. Install the Sentinel System Driver.

2. Start the driver configuration utility, SetupSysDriver.exe. It is usually located at
C:\Program Files\Common files\Safenet Sentinel\Sentinel System Drivers.
3. Click the “Configure Driver” button, as can be seen in the picture above.

4. The following dialog will be displayed. Click the “Add” button.
5. The following dialog will be displayed. Enter the I/O address of the PCI parallel port adapter into the “Bus Address” field.

6. Click on OK. It will show that a User Created port has been added at address 1088.

7. Click the OK button to close the dialog and then open the File menu and choose Exit to close the Sentinel System Driver Configuration Utility.

The Sentinel System Driver should now be configured to use the Parallel PCI adapter.

Key Not Found

Utilities and knowledge required to test and troubleshoot a key that was not found on the system:
Our latest Sentinel System Driver Internet Installer version

Sentinel Medic Application or Sentinel Advance Medic

Basic knowledge of the Windows operating system.

Basic knowledge of browsing utilities in a Windows environment.

Ability to browse to the BIOS of a specific system for configuration change (in case of parallel Keys).

Troubleshooting for parallel Keys  
The parallel keys are only supported on a built-in parallel port, a PCI to parallel card on a desktop or a PCMCIA to parallel card on a Laptop. Make sure the PCI or PCMCIA card is IEEE 1284 compliant.

USB to parallel port converters are not supported. Please contact your Software vendor if you want to use a USB key instead of a parallel key.

1. Check if the key is properly attached. The key should not be damaged.

2. Please make sure that drivers are installed properly by running Sentinel advance medic.

3. If there are any issues with the driver, please uninstall and reinstall the driver.

4. For uninstalling and driver cleanup please refer Driver Installation/Uninstallation and CleanUp utility.

Things to look for:
A) If you are using a parallel port key, make sure your BIOS or CMOS settings for the parallel port are set to ECP, Bi-Directional, Normal, AT, or PS/2. If you have an option to set them to AUTO, ENABLE or DISABLE, set to ENABLE. If you have a Dell Computer brands Dimension 8100 or Optiplex, you might need to set the settings to either PS/2 or IBM AT. Once the changes have been made, make sure  you reinstall the Sentinel System Drivers. For Toshiba Laptops Satellite Pro download the latest BIOS patch from the Toshiba web site and  go to Control Panel/Administration Tools/Device Manager and expand the serial/parallel port.
Double click the parallel port. Set the port address to 378, IRQ 7 and DMA to 3, and then reboot the system.

B) If the drivers are installed and your program still doesn’t find the key, please try our utility Sentinel SuperPro Medic or Sentinel Advanced Medic, found on Safenet web site, under downloads; choose SuperPro as the product and look under Other Downloads. You would install this product and run it. With SuperPro Medic, select the Mode you are using and click on Find SuperPro. With Sentinel Advanced Medic, click Troubleshoot.

Troubleshooting for USB Keys 
1. Check if LED is on. If yes then proceed to step 2 incase LED is not ON it means your USB key has gone bad.

2. Go to Control Panel>System>Hardware

3. Click on Device manager

4. Make sure there is no (!) mark or (x) mark on Safenet USB SuperPro/UltraPro or Sentinel Hardware Keys icon. HardwareUSB
5. If no entries are found, please check the key on a different USB port on this computer and/or check the key on another computer.

6. If there is an (x) mark or (!) mark on Safenet USB SuperPro/UltraPro or Sentinel Hardware Keys icon. Follow the steps to uninstall the driver and reinstall the driver described in pic.

7. If no marks are displayed, please make sure that the driver is installed properly by running Sentinel Advance Medic, refer to previous chapter.

8. If you experience any issues with the driver, please uninstall and reinstall the driver.

9. For uninstalling and cleanup, follow the steps described in previous chapters.

Driver Not Loaded Correctly

Remove Sentinel Driver installation using SSDCleanup.exe. For details on how to use SSDCleanup please refer CleanUp utility. Reinstall the latest driver from the link given below:

Windows Error Messages

Sometimes we encounter with some of the windows error like Error – 1325, Error 1378,
Invalid Drive: N:\ & Error 1324.
In order to resolve those errors you can find enough on Google. Also, you can uninstall the driver through SSDCleanup utility or through Windows Installer Cleanup Utility.


Created on: 08 Oct 2014 Last update: 04 Sep 2024