

[KB714]Scheduler Runtime Trace

Tags: Scada Basic, Scheduler, Trace

11 years ago
Applies to:

PcVue 10.0 sp2 update and later, 11.1 and later. (NOT in 11.0.)


How to activate and interpret the Scheduler trace.


How to activate

Use the SCADA Basic instruction CRONTAB mode TRACE.

CRONTAB(“TRACE”, “ON”); ‘ Activate trace
CRONTAB(“TRACE”, “OFF”); ‘Deactivate trace

The default mode is inactive.

Trace message format when an action is triggered

<Timestamp>, [SV.Scheduler] Agenda Frequency [<Frequency>] <ActionType> < ActionDetails>

<Frequency> The frequency of the action either: Once, Each hour, Each day, Each week, Each month or On timetable, plus the timing. For example :
[Once the [09/07/2014] at [16:18]]
[On time table – Standard week [stdTitle]]

<ActionType> Either: Bit to set, Function to execute, Recipe to send or Multimode table.

<ActionDetails> In the following examples the timestamp is omitted for clarity.

Bit to set: The message includes the name of the bit and how it is set:

Function to execute: The message includes the name of the program, function and branch:

Recipe to send: The message includes the recipe ID and branch:

On multimode table: The message includes the names of the bits and how they are set:

Trace message format for adding and modifying an action

<Timestamp>, [SV.Scheduler], Adding or Modifying Agenda Frequency [<Frequency>] <ActionType> < ActionDetails>

Trace message format for deleting an action

<Timestamp>, [SV.Scheduler], Deleting Agenda Frequency [<Frequency>] <ActionType> < ActionDetails>

Scheduler trace message examples

See attached text file.

Download attachments: Scheduler trace messages

Created on: 21 Jul 2014 Last update: 13 May 2024