Applies to:
PcVue 10.0 sp2 update and later, 11.1 and later. (NOT in 11.0.) |
How to activate and interpret the Scheduler trace. |
How to activate Use the SCADA Basic instruction CRONTAB mode TRACE. CRONTAB(“TRACE”, “ON”); ‘ Activate trace The default mode is inactive. Trace message format when an action is triggered <Timestamp>, [SV.Scheduler] Agenda Frequency [<Frequency>] <ActionType> < ActionDetails> <Frequency> The frequency of the action either: Once, Each hour, Each day, Each week, Each month or On timetable, plus the timing. For example : <ActionType> Either: Bit to set, Function to execute, Recipe to send or Multimode table. <ActionDetails> In the following examples the timestamp is omitted for clarity. Bit to set: The message includes the name of the bit and how it is set: Function to execute: The message includes the name of the program, function and branch: Recipe to send: The message includes the recipe ID and branch: On multimode table: The message includes the names of the bits and how they are set: Trace message format for adding and modifying an action <Timestamp>, [SV.Scheduler], Adding or Modifying Agenda Frequency [<Frequency>] <ActionType> < ActionDetails> Trace message format for deleting an action <Timestamp>, [SV.Scheduler], Deleting Agenda Frequency [<Frequency>] <ActionType> < ActionDetails> Scheduler trace message examples See attached text file. Download attachments: Scheduler trace messages |
Created on: 21 Jul 2014 Last update: 13 May 2024