

[KB1067]Real time variable tracking library

Tags: Grid, Variables

5 years ago
Applies to:

PcVue 12 onwards


Since version 7 of PcVue, there is a grid component that can be used for monitoring real-time variables. Here is a library to facilitate the integration of this component in any recent project. This library provides not only synoptic examples, but also Scada Basic scripts to take advantage of several interesting features. 


To integrate this library into your project, you will have to :
1/ Create a LIB directory in your project if it doesn’t already exist.
2/ Paste in this LIB directory the library downloadable in this article.
3/ In the Application Explorer, add an existing library by selecting the VariableTracking library.

Add an existing local library

4/ Modify or create an initial Scada Basic program so that it runs the program at the start of the project.

Execute INIT Tracking at startup

5/ Restart the project

From there you can open the Variable Tracking.syn synoptic of the library to do variable tracking. It is advisable to apply your window template to it so that it is better integrated into your project:

Window Template

You can then modify your window template so that it easily allows you to open the Variable Tracking window:

Window Template modification 01

Window Template modification 02

Window Template modification 03

Here’s a possible result:


You can also configure the opening of the library popup using the OpenVarTrackingPopup function provided in the TRACKING.SCB program:

Variable tracking popup



Created on: 18 Jun 2020 Last update: 30 May 2024