

[KB1214]PcVue Automatic Deployment

Tags: Silent installation

9 months ago
Applies to:

PcVue 16.2 onwards


How to install or update PcVue on a complete architecture in a more efficient way? This article describes the procedure to automatize the deployment instead installing station per station manually.



There are two different cases in this article. First, PcVue runs as desktop application.

Second, PcVue runs as a service.

For the complete procedure, it is mandatory to master the concepts of silent installation.

Full explanations available in KB1095 or in the online help here.

Note that all manipulations in this article need Administrator privileges.


  1. Stop PcVue (if it is already running)
  2. Silent install (new version or update)
  3. Configuration
  4. Start PcVue

First case, PcVue runs as desktop.

  1. Stop PcVue
    F10 or Alt+F4 if you have development right.
    SCADA Basic script with SYSTEM(“EXIT”) instruction.
  2. Silent install
    Start /wait G:PrerequisitePrqCore.exe /quiet /norestart /NoPrompt SilentMode=1
    Start /wait G:PrerequisitePrqWdt.exe /quiet /norestart /NoPrompt SilentMode=1
    Start /wait G:CoreSetup.exe /clone_wait /L1036 /s /v”/quiet /norestart /l*v C:LogInstall.log”
    Start /wait G:WdtSetup.exe /clone_wait /L1036 /s /v”/quiet /norestart /l*v C:LogInstall.log”If the project folder is not the default location, you need to add specific fields :

    The silent install installs the major version only, you must explicitly install
    the patch if the folder Patch is present in the package.
    Start /wait “” “G:Patch16.0.3_PcVue_Patch for 16.0.1 or later” /quiet /norestart

  3. No specific configuration in this case.
    For an update, the configured shortcuts are not removed.
    For a new installation, you can put specific shortcuts on the desktop with options
    -p and -r for example.
  4. Start PcVue.

Second case, PcVue runs as a service.

  1. Stop PcVue
    Stop the service from Services console.
    Or stop the service with command: sc stop svCoreDaemon
  2. Silent install
    Start /wait G:PrerequisitePrqCore.exe /quiet /norestart /NoPrompt SilentMode=1
    Start /wait G:PrerequisitePrqWdt.exe /quiet /norestart /NoPrompt SilentMode=1
    Start /wait G:CoreSetup.exe /clone_wait /L1036 /s /v”/quiet /norestart /l*v C:LogInstall.log”
    Start /wait G:WdtSetup.exe /clone_wait /L1036 /s /v”/quiet /norestart /l*v C:LogInstall.log”If the project folder is not the default location, you need to add specific fields :

    The silent install installs the major version only, you must explicitly install
    the patch if the folder Patch is present in the package.
    Start /wait “” “G:Patch16.0.3_PcVue_Patch for 16.0.1 or later” /quiet /norestart

  3. Need configuration in this case.
    Since a PcVue installation update and reset the configuration done in the SV Core Management Console, you must configure it again:
    a. Switch mode from desktop to service
    b. Select the account which is used to run PcVue SV Core Daemon service
    c. Select the account which is used to run the DCOM application

    d. Configure Startup arguments and Monitoring of processes

    Notes regarding the last SV Core Management Console configuration steps:
    ° For point a and b, you can create a script with the following command lines.
    svCoreMgmt runmode <service/desktop> [options]
    svCoreMgmt serviceAccount <accountName> [<password>] [options]

    “C:ARC InformatiquePcVue 16BinsvCoreMgmt.exe” runMode service -silent
    “C:ARC InformatiquePcVue 16BinsvCoreMgmt.exe” serviceAccount TESTDev dev -silent

    ° For point c, you must configure the SV Services DCOM settings manually (The DCOM settings can’t be backup/restored; so, no script is possible).

    ° For point d, the configuration for startup arguments and Monitoring of processes is store in the file ETCsvCoreDaemon.config.
    So, if this file doesn’t exist on your station, you can type the configuration manueally on the console, or create this file svCoreDaemon.config and copy it in the Etc folder.

  4. Start PcVue.
    Start the service from Services console.
    Or start the service with command: sc start svCoreDaemon
    Note:If it is an upgrade of PcVue, you can modify the file EtcSettings.ini to avoid a warning at the first start about the project conversion.

Created on: 11 Apr 2024 Last update: 30 May 2024