

[KB1043]PcVue 11.0 – Software download

5 years ago
Applies to:

PcVue 11.0


By following the information below, you can download the latest PcVue 11.0 package: software, documentation and help.


Download link PcVue 11.0 : Download

Hash (SHA1): 49FBB6C14A0C2227E0F925448D305AF608C16ED3

Valid until August 21, 2024

How to verify the integrity of downloaded files?
Prior to unzipping and installing the software, it is important to check the integrity of the file(s) you have downloaded.
When you received instructions for download from us, we included the file(s) signature – its SHA-1 hash value. To ensure a file has not been corrupted, it is necessary to calculate the signature of the file(s) you have downloaded in order to make sure it matches the signature in the download instructions.

Hash value is a short text string calculated by a mathematical algorithm. It is a usual technique for creating file finger-print (its signature). Two files having the same hash can be considered identical.
We use this procedure so that you can make sure the file(s) you downloaded is exactly what we have produced, that it has not been modified by an unauthorized third party or damaged during the delivery. We use the SHA-1 algorithm, which is one of the most common verification methods.
If you do need the software to calculate the SHA-1 signature of a file, we recommend the Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) available here.

Step 1: Once you have downloaded and installed Microsoft FCIV, place it in the same folder as the file you have downloaded from our server.

In this example, “D:\Downloads” is the folder where are located both fciv.exe and the file to check. Replace this folder name to fit yours in the following command line.

Step 2: Launch a command line console in the correct directory and run the following command:
D:\Downloads>fciv.exe -add “11.0_06100_Update_PcVue” -sha1

You will then obtain an output indicating the hash value of the downloaded file:

// File Checksum Integrity Verifier version 2.05.
96dfaf540e16758024d052ed75ecabbd65233ef5 11.0_06100_Update_PcVue

If it is the same as the reference above in the download link section, then the file is not corrupted and can be considered safe for installation.

We advise you to never launch an installation package if the hash value of a downloaded file does not match our reference. If they are different we recommend retrying the download to rule out errors that may be due to networkissues. If the hash values remain different, please inform us as soon as possible so we can correct the problem.

Created on: 08 Nov 2019 Last update: 09 Oct 2024