

[KB365]How to start PcVue in a Terminal Server session

Tags: Windows Terminal Server

14 years ago
Applies to:

PcVue version 8.00 onwards.
This article contains obsolete references.


PcVue architecture allows clients to be connected to the data acquisition server through terminal server client session.


During the PcVue network configuration

As many clients sessions can be started on the same computer, it’s important  to define (during the network configuration) a specific connection port for each station that will be used as a terminal server client.

This information is available by selecting Properties on the node station



A handy way of ensuring a different port number for each station is to use a value of 1981+ the station number.

Then, when all TS stations have different connection ports, you need to declare a specific client list that contains all these stations. Take care to remember the name of this list. You will have to specify it in the shortcut with the –wts option.

Please, refer to the help for more explanations about –k and –wts options.
Note that –station_number option MUST NOT be used in terminal server sessions. This option only allows you to force the station number but doesn’t allow the use of the TS part of PcVue as to know specific treatments for saved variables for example.

You must give terminal server users Read-Write access to the PcVue installation folder for starting a WTS session. The folders BIN and USR at least must provide Read-Write access for WTS users.

On TS server

On TS server (it means the computer where TS clients will be run) you have to launch the svts service.You will find svts.exe in the bin directory.

This service allows people without administrative rights to start PcVue in their TS client session.

Because this service is manually installed, if you need to update the PcVue version, take care to uninstall it BEFORE removing PcVue.

To install it you have to:

1.            Open a command prompt and locate the Supervisor’s BIN folder in which the executable files are located.
2.            Enter the following command at the command prompt. svTS.exe –Install
3.            Close the command prompt.
4.            Open the Windows’ Control Panel and select Administrative Tools.
5.            Open Computer Management and locate the Services tool.
6.            Select SV Terminal Server Services and manually start the service.
7.            Close the dialogs.

From Windows 20008 server environment onwards, command prompt window must be run with administrator privileges

To uninstall it you have to:

1.            Open the Windows’ Control Panel and select Administrative Tools.
2.            Open Computer Management and locate the Services tool.
3.            Select SV Terminal Server Services and manually stop the service.
4.            Close the dialogs.
5.            Open a command prompt and locate the Supervisor’s BIN folder in which the executable files are located.
6.            Enter the following command at the command prompt. svTS.exe –Install /u
7.            Close the command prompt.

Further information

KB129, Installing PcVue in a Windows Server 2003 Environment, describes how to deal with an error during installation.

The main Help describes how to use WTS, in particular Windows 2003 Terminal Server, in the Specialized Subjects sub-book Running the Supervisor on Windows 2003 Terminal Server.

Created on: 30 Dec 2010 Last update: 13 May 2024