

[KB252]How to Share the Same Paging File for Windows NT and 98

14 years ago
Applies to:

Computers using both Windows 95 or 98, and Windows NT.
This article contains obsolete references.


With a dual-boot system with Windows NT and Windows 98, it is possible to share the same paging file (PAGEFILE.SYS file), in order to minimise the disk space used by these two operating systems.


For this, you need to configure the PAGEFILE.SYS for Windows NT and the paging file for Windows 98. The following instructions explain how to do it.

  1. Run Windows NT.
  2. Click on the Start.Settings.Control Panel, and double click the System icon. Select the Performance tab. In the dialog box Virtual Memory, select Change.
  3. Select the disk in which you want to place the paging file, and fix the minimum (Mo) and maximum (Mo) sizes at the same level.
  4. Validate the settings by clicking OK, and the system will ask you to restart your computer.
  5. Restart with Windows 98.
  6. Click on Start.Settings.Control Panel, and double click on the System icon.
  7. Select the Performance tab, and select Specify my own virtual memory parameter.
  8. Enter the same minimum and maximum sizes as for the Windows NT paging file.
  9. Restart Windows 98, and add the following lines in the SYSTEM.INI file:


In the Paging file, X:\ is the disk on which the PAGEFILE.SYS file is held.

Created on: 01 Dec 2010 Last update: 26 Aug 2024