

[KB564]How to choose the correct version of Java for 64-bit Windows

13 years ago
Applies to:

WebVue versions supplied with PcVue version 11.2 and earlier.
WebVue versions supplied with PcVue version 12 onwards use different technology to which this article is not applicable.


How to choose the correct version of Java for 64-bit Windows.



64-bit Windows operating systems are supplied with a 32-bit Internet Explorer (IE) browser as the default but these operating systems also include a 64-bit Internet Explorer browser. Because some web content may not work properly in a 64-bit browser, we recommend using the default 32-bit browser and the corresponding 32-bit Java.

This may also apply to other web browsers although most of them are only available in 32-bit format anyway.

Additional notes

  1. If you migrate to a new PcVue version which includes a new JRE, the link displayed on the no-plugin-available-website may not be correct. This link is dynamically created only the first time that WebVue is set up.
  2. If the text As a download from the WebVue Server (only 32-bit version) is not displayed it may be because the server side logic was not able to find a matching installer executable.
  3. For further information search the internet for ‘Which Java download should I choose for my 64-bit Windows operating system’

Created on: 14 May 2012 Last update: 13 May 2024