

[KB435]HDS Maintenance task

Tags: HDS

14 years ago
Applies to: 

PcVue version 8.10 and version 8.2.


This article concerns any PcVue 8.10 project that has been migrated to PcVue 8.2 onwards and which uses the HDS.
The technical support team have had several cases regarding execution of the maintenance tasks, purge and defragmentation, which are not in accordance with the configuration of the application. Unlike defragmentation, an unexpected purge can be critical as it deletes records in the database which are older than 3 months (default parameters).



This unexpected triggering of maintenance tasks is due to an inconstancy in the configuration of PcVue.

In PcVue 8.10, purge and defragmentation task configuration is stored in “HDSConf.dat” and “Scheduler.xml” files.

Analysis made on migrated projects that were facing the problem have raised some inconsistencies in the migration from 8.10 to 8.2 of those two files, in particular some anomalies were detected in the “Scheduler.xml” file. 

Migrating a PcVue application from version 8.10 to version 8.2, converts these two files in order to create a maintenance plan which contains these maintenance tasks.

Platform tests were performed and the results show that this conversion mechanism is working well. So it seems that in some unidentified cases only “HDSConf.dat” file is correctly converted.

Bug Fix

To handle this inconsistency in the configuration of PcVue, a modification has been made in PcVue versions 8.2 SP3, 9.0 SP2 and 10.0.

All maintenance tasks which do not belong to a maintenance plan are ignored and an error message is generated in HDS log file:
2011/05/13,10:00:00.682,SRV1,Supervisor,HDS,E,0,0,CHisSrvExploit::ExecuteScheduledTask __ Execution of scheduled maintenance task is obsolet. Upgrade your project and use only scheduled maintenance plan.

If you are running a PcVue version which does not contain this fix, we recommend that you check the “Scheduler.xml” file.

How do I check “Scheduler.xml”  file ?

Open “Scheduler.xml” file located in the “C” directory of your project using Notepad.


<?xml version=”1.0″?>

<!– Task Scheduler –>

                               <COLOR R=”160″ G=”160″ B=”190″/>
                               <ACTION TYPE=”DATABASE”
                                               <DATABASE NAME=”Plan01″ TYPE=”MaintenancePlan” REPLAY=”None”/>
                                               <TRIGGER DATETIME=”23/03/2011 18:00:00″>
                                                               <REPEAT TYPE=”Weekly” PERIOD=”1″/>
                <TASK ID=”HDS_DB_PURGE” ACTIVE=”1″>
                              <COLOR R=”160″ G=”160″ B=”190″/>
                               <ACTION TYPE=”DATABASE”>
                                               <DATABASE NAME=”Plan01″ TYPE=”Purge” REPLAY=”None”/>
                                               <TRIGGER DATETIME=”24/03/2011 16:05:00″>
                                                               <REPEAT TYPE=”Weekly” PERIOD=”1″/>

Check that the file only contains tasks of TYPE = “MaintenancePlan“.

If you find any tasks with another TYPE, just delete them.

How should I delete a task ?

A task starts with a tag : <TASK ID=”HDS_DB_PURGE” ACTIVE=”1″>

And ends with a tag : </TASK> 

Delete the two lines containing the tags and all lines between them.

Created on: 27 May 2011 Last update: 13 May 2024