

[KB1130]HDS Files format PcVue 15

Tags: HDS

1 month ago

Applies to:

PcVue 15 onwards


This document describes the content of each HDS configuration files.
Warning 1: Modifying manually these files can cause irreversible damage.
Warning 2: This article is only for internal usage, see with the referent before recommending any modification of these file
Find also another article on HDS files (HDS Files list).


HDS.ini file

[General] section
Parameter nameDescriptionDefault value
DefaultMaxBufferedEventsSpecifies the default value for MaxBufferedEvents parameter for each new project. It can also be defined in the “HDSConf.dat” configuration file of a specific existing project (see below explanation for this parameter).20000
DefaultMaxPurgedRecordsSpecifies the default value for MaxPurgedRecords parameter for each new project. It can also be defined in the “HDSConf.dat” configuration file of a specific existing project (see below explanation for this parameter).30000
DefaultLocalDatabasesDirSpecifies the default directory for databases.The default database directory specifies the location where the HDS creates all the databases files.If the first character of DefaultLocalDatabasesDir is “.” then the directory is consider as a relative path to the executable directory. In other cases the DefaultLocalDatabasesDir parameter is used as an absolute path.“..\Databases\”

HDSConf.dat file

[General] section
Parameter nameDescriptionDefault value
DefaultDataConnectionTypeType of database used if a default connection string is defined. 2 means SQL Server.2
DefaultConnectionStringPart of the default connection string with no security element requiring encryption. Used for any new database created in the project.“”
DefaultSecureConnectionStringPart of the default connection string requiring encryption if needed (login and passsword of the sql user). Used for any new database created in the project.“”
UseUnicodeSpecifies how the HDS stores textual data in database columns.This parameter only affects the creation of SQL Server databases carried out by the HDS. SQL Server stores textual data in columns using two methods of character encoding: Unicode or Multi-Byte Character Set (MBCS).This parameter has the following 2 possible values:0 = MBCS encoding.1 = Unicode encoding.0
QuickStopSpecifies how the HDS is shutdown.When the application is shutdown it can take a considerable amount of time for the HDS to stop. This is because the HDS has to flush all the data in its memory buffers to the databases.It is possible to force the HDS to shutdown without flushing the data to the databases by setting this parameter to 1. This option can be very useful during the project development phase where the loss of data is not important.This parameter has the following 2 possible values:0 = The HDS is shutdown normally after flushing all the data in its memory buffers to the databases.1 = The HDS is shutdown quickly without flushing all the data in its memory buffers to the databases. If you use this option during the project development remember to remove it before the project is commissioned.0
AuditSystemVariablesCreates two new system variables:HDS.DataChangedCount: counts the number of data input (data to write) during the AuditSystemVariablesRate interval.HDS.WritedRecords: counts the number of data outuput (data written) during the AuditSystemVariablesRate interval.0
AuditSystemVariablesRateSpecifies the interval (in seconds) to refresh the HDS.DataChangedCount & HDS.WritedRecords. Every time the values are refreshed, the counters are reset. It could be interesting to know the values every 60 seconds and calculate the average number of records per second.0
AutomaticStartIf set to 0, the HDS is started but the connections to the Databases are not established. Can be used in developpement phase if you don’t want to generate records.1
TraceFileFilterMask of the information to write into the log file. See KB1131 for more information.7
TraceFileSubFilterSub Mask of the information to write into the log file. See KB1131 for more information.0
TraceWindowFilterMask of the information to show into the hds log dialog. See KB1131 for more information.7
TraceWindowSubFilterSub Mask of the information to show into the hds log dialog. See KB1131 for more information.0
EnableUIDetermines the displaying of the HDS user interface.The HDS user interface is accessible by double clicking on the HDS icon in the system tray.This parameter has the following 2 possible values:0 = disabled.1 = enabled.1
EnableTraceWindowDetermines the displaying of the “Trace” window in the HDS user interface.The “Trace” window enables some debug facilities in the HDS.This parameter has the following 2 possible values:0 = disabled.1 = enabled.1
MaxBufferedEventsHDS can treat a certain amount of records at a time. Any record that cannot be treated immediately will be stored as a buffered event. This parameter specifies the maximum number of incoming events buffered for treatment by the HDS.When HDS reaches the MaxBufferedEvents value, it stops accepting new events from any source (Overflow).If this parameter is not defined the DefaultMaxBufferedEvents parameter value from “HDS.ini” file is used.Default value = DefaultMaxBufferedEvents value from “HDS.ini” file or 20000.
MaxPurgedRecordsSpecifies how the HDS manages the built in mechanism for limitation based on age of data for contingent purge.This parameter is taken into account only for SQL Server databases.When purging a database, SQL Server records all the transactions in the database log file (.ldf). If purging a large number of records this can generate a very large file.There are two ways in which purging may be managed, controlled by this parameter :Using the SQL Server built in purge mechanism. The SQL server handles the purge itself with no limitation on the number of records purged. This has the potential to create problems if a very large log file is created. This mechanism will be used if MaxPurgedRecords is set to 0.Using the HDS to purge records a block at a time. In this case the size of the log file is limited by the number of records in each block. When this parameter is not explicitly set to 0,  treatments for limitation based on age of data for contingent purge are divided up to treat only MaxPurgedRecords at once.If this parameter is not defined the DefaultMaxPurgedRecords parameter value from “HDS.ini” file is used.Default value = DefaultMaxPurgedRecords value from “HDS.ini” file or 30000.
MaxTablesSpecify the maximum number of tables loaded by a project. Maximum to set = 1000.500
HistoricalLanguageLanguage ID used to store associated labels in historic.1033
UseDefaultLocalDatabasesDirIf this flag is set to 1 the default database path is the one specified in HDS.INI (DefaultLocalDatabasesDir parameter)If this flag is set to 0 the default database path is the one specified in the LocalDatabasesDir parameter in HDSConf.dat (see below)1
LocalDatabasesDirSpecifies the directory for databases.The database directory specifies the location where the HDS creates all the databases files.If the first character of LocalDatabasesDir is “.” then the directory is consider as a relative path to the executable directory. In other cases the LocalDatabasesDir parameter is used as an absolute path.“%SV Dir%\Databases\”
[Performance] section
Parameter nameDescriptionDefault value
TimeSortingPeriodThe time interval during which data will be stored in the buffer before being written to the database (should help reduce database fragmentation).0
MaxBeforeRequeryIf TimeSortingPeriod is in use, every MaxBeforeRequery buffer written, the buffer is reinitialized to avoid memory loss (ADO bug fix)200
MaxBookmarkInTableThe writing buffer can contain MaxBookmarkInTable rows. When the buffer is full, writing to the database is triggered. This value should not exceed 1000 (limitation from ADO driver recordset management).40
PendingRecordsPeriodIf the number of pending records is bellow its maximum value (see MaxBufferedEvents parameter), every PendingRecordsPeriod, the pending records buffer is written in the database.Minimum = 1 000 (unit is ms)10000
PassiveBufferPeriodUse for Archive Active Unique mode only.Maximum time to detect and trigger a switching on an association.Minimum = 1 000 (unit is ms)30000
[MAINTENANCE_TASK\MaintenancePlanName] section
Parameter nameDescriptionDefault value
DescriptionDescription as defined by user“”
ObjectOriginMust stay at 0 for compatibility reasons0
ObjectVersionMust stay at 0 for compatibility reasons0
ReportVariableNameName of a trigger bit variable. Set to 1 during maintenance plan execution. Reset to 0 at the end of last maintenance task of the maintenance plan.“”
StationListHistorical server list used for the maintenance plan execution. If the server list contains an active unique association of historical servers, only the active station will execute the maintenance plan.“”
JobNameInternal name given to the maintenance plan.“HDS_PLAN01_MAINTENANCE_PLAN”
InhibitMust stay at 0 for compatibility reasons0
[MAINTENANCE_TASK\MaintenancePlanName\MaintenanceTaskName] Common section
Parameter nameDescriptionDefault value
DescriptionDescription as defined by user“”
ObjectOrigin Must stay at 0 for compatibility reasons0
ObjectVersion Must stay at 0 for compatibility reasons0
UseDefaultDataBase0 = The default database is not used1 = The default database is used1
DataBaseNameName of the database used (can be left empty if the default database is used)“”
DataBaseTask1 = EXPORT2 = PURGE3 = IDXDEFRAG (index defrag)4 =CUSTOM5 = SHRINK 
ContinuePlanIfFailedNot implemented0
InhibitMust stay at 0 for compatibility reasons0
StepIndexIndex of the step for the execution order 
[MAINTENANCE_TASK\MaintenancePlanName\MaintenanceTaskName] section (FOR EXPORT TASK ONLY)
Parameter nameDescriptionDefault value
ExportHeaderIf = 1 then include columns headers in exported files1
ExportPathPath used for export“”
ExportExtensionFile extension for exported filesdat
ExportFormatFile format for exported files1 = Text2 = ADTG3 = Xml1
ExportDelimiterDelimiter used in exported files“;”
ExportNullValueText used to replace null values in exported files“”
ExportTimeNumberNumber of “ExportTimeInterval”
Min = 1
Max = 999
ExportTimeInterval1 = Minute2 = Hour3 = Day4 = Week5 = Month6 = Year3
ExportUseDefaultExportPathUse default path for export1
ExportTimeShiftingNumber Same as ExportTimeNumber, but for time offset configuration1
ExportTimeShitftingInterval Same as ExportTimeInterval, but for time offset configuration3
[MAINTENANCE_TASK\MaintenancePlanName\MaintenanceTaskName] section (FOR PURGE TASK ONLY)
Parameter nameDescriptionDefault value
TimeNumber 3
TimeInterval1 = Minute2 = Hour3 = Day4 = Week5 = Month6 = Year5
[MAINTENANCE_TASK\MaintenancePlanName\MaintenanceTaskName] section (FOR CUSTOM TASK ONLY)
Parameter nameDescriptionDefault value
CustomMaintenanceValue Contains the custom Transact-SQL script“”

HDSTrend.dat file

Parameter nameDescriptionType
TRD_HDSMandatory field.String
VariableNameVariable name to set as trend.String
DescriptionDescription of this trend.String
UseDefaultDatabaseSet to 1 to use default database otherwise set to 0.Boolean
DatabaseNameSet database name to use. Not taken into account if UseDefaultDatabase is set to 0.String
UseDefaultTableSet to 1 to use default table otherwise set to 0.Boolean
TableNameSet table name to use. Not taken into account if UseDefaultTable is set to 0.String
UseDefaultOpcGroupSet to 1 to use default OPC group otherwise set to 0.Boolean
OpcGroupNameSet OPC group name to use. Not taken into account if UseDefaultOpcGroup is set to 0.String
LogicalGroupNameSet HDS archive unit name to use.String
ConfiguredAsPrimaryConfigure trend as primary.Boolean
UsedAsPrimaryObsolete and  ignored.Boolean
ObjectOriginMust stay at 0 for compatibility reasons.Long
ObjectVersionMust stay at 0 for compatibility reasons.Long
DisableInvalidTrendOnExitDo not record NS value on exit (default=0)Boolean
InhibitingVarNameInhibiting bit variable nameString
InhibitingConditionTo1Inhibiting condition.
– 1 : Trend is inhibited if InhibitingVarName bit value = 1.
– 0 : Trend is inhibited if InhibitingVarName bit value = 0.

TRD_HDS,System.DATASERVER2,description of the trend,0,DB1,0,TRENDTABLE1,0,TRENDGROUP1,U_DB1,1,1,0,0,1,GENERAL.Inhibit,0

Created on: 10 Sep 2024