[KB1231]Error loading the Application Architect configuration
This type of message appears when there are inconsistencies in the project configuration.
An error message is systematically displayed in the event viewer:
The error indicates the blocking point for the architect.
In this case, an “on variable expression” has also been added as a unit object with the same name. The Application Architect warns us to avoid overwriting data.
The simplest solution would therefore be to delete the expression if it’s not used.
As for the consistency check, it is performed on all libraries defined in the project, whether they are used or not (for example, they may have been used in expressions on a parameter, and as the Application Architect does not evaluate the expressions, we are not able to know this).
Here again, errors are indicated: duplicate branches. If this is not intentional, these libraries should be corrected, as Application Architect is becoming less and less permissive regarding controls.
In the meantime, 2 solutions:
- Delete them from the project as they are not used.
- Use the option allowing duplicate branches (occasionally just for testing, or longer if necessary).
Once you’ve passed your consistency check, you can save and exit PcVue.
Created on: 20 Dec 2024 Last update: 13 Jan 2025