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Other Products

[KB1061] Tech Alert – Installing Dream Report on Windows 10 2004

Applies to: DreamReport versions up to and including 5.0 R20-1 Summary: This article describes a situation where Dream Report installation exhibits unexpected behavior when used with the Microsoft Windows 10 […]

Other Products

[KB687] How to reset triggering bit during generation ?

  Applies to: All Dream Report version Summary: When you want to generate automatically a report thanks to an event, you can configure a triggering bit and sometimes you need to […]

Other Products

[KB639] How to configure Batch for Dream Report?

Applies to: Dream Report Summary: Batch Definition enables users to define a rule to dynamically calculate time periods for report generation. This article provides a method to create Batch definition […]

Other Products

[KB629] Why is a Dream Report statistical counter wrong?

Applies to: PcVue all versions.Dream Report all versions. Symptom: Sometimes, when using Dream Report, the statistical counter value is completely wrong. You get a large number instead of a short […]

PcVue installation

[KB574] Directlink: HASP SRM Run-time installation error

Applies to: Applicom Directlink PCNI 4.0 Summary: DirectLink 4.0 cannot be installed on a computer where Dream report is installed. Details: The reason is that Dream Report embeds a version […]

Other Products

[KB517] How to optimize HDS table browsing for Dream Report

Applies to: PcVue 8.10 version onwards. Summary: Here is a useful trick if you need to quickly browse the table content of an HDS Database. For example in Dream Report, […]

Other Products

[KB515] Dream Report startup procedure

Applies to: Dream Report 3.43 SP3. Summary: The attached document describes the installation of Dream Report, its configuration compared to PcVue as well as the use of the concept of […]

Other Products

[KB480] Generate report on event does not work

Applies to: PcVue all versions. Summary: Using Dream Report 3.43 SP2 and the PcVue Web Services driver, a report has been configured to be generated on event if a PcVue […]

Sample projects

[KB383] Dream Report Data Project

Applies to: PcVue version 8.10.In general if a project is used with a later version of PcVue it will be automatically converted to that version. Occasionally it may be necessary […]

Other Products

[KB353] Dream Report installation if DotNet 2.0 is not installed

Applies to: Dream Report Summary: Potential problem when connecting Dream Report to PcVue. Solution: There is no warning when installing Dream Report when DotNet (.NET) framework 2.0 is not already […]

Other Products

[KB347] Number of items in Dream Report

Applies to: Dream Report Summary: Bad count of the items in Dream Report when you duplicate an SQL table and modify the SQL query. Details: Before 3.22 version there is […]

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[KB307] Dream Report Info – Securing the Web features using https

Applies to: PcVue all versions. Summary: Context How Dream Report fits with secured network environments, in particular for web access based on HTTPS. Dream Report is involved in HTTP security […]

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[KB287] How to stop Dream Report from PcVue

Applies to:PcVue all versions. Summary:How to stop the Dream Report run time from PcVue. Details:Create a batch file in the system directory of Dream Report with this content: drt.exe -shut […]

Other Products

[KB272] FAQ Dream Report

Contents : Web Portal – PHP.ini configuration Configuration of Remote DSN Schedule Backup of MS SQL server DB Setup proper permission for Web folder in DR. Report Settings – Macro […]

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[KB270] Dream Report accented characters and the Web Portal

Applies to: Dream report when using the Web portal Summary: If a report’s description or a report’s name contains non-english characters, it is not displayed in the list of report […]

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[KB269] Dream Report Database purge

Applies to: Dream Report version 3.42 and older. Summary: How to purge a Dream Report Database with a stored procedure. Details: With Dream Report versions older than 3.42 the database […]

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[KB263] Automatic restart of Dream Report

Applies to:Dream report Summary:By default Dream Report restarts automatically every day at 2AM. Details:This periodic reboot is to free memory in case of leakage. It is not recommended to deactivate […]
