

[KB683]Central Project Management isn’t accessible, even if activated

Tags: Project management, Version control

11 years ago
Applies to:

PcVue 11 onwards


Central Project Management dialog is dimmed. You are unable to change anything in it.


The Central Project Management dialog is locked. You can’t access the menu and create a new version. You can’t even access to the checkbox to activate the Central Project Management.

Central project managment

This may be normal if another user on another PcVue workstation is generating, deleting or modifying a project or library version. It is due to the LockMe.dat file located in central project folder, which contains the value “Locked” when someone is using the dialog box, and “Unlocked” when he has finished to use it. In this case, simply wait until the user has closed the dialog box before trying again.

Now let’s say this user encounters a crash while using version management, the value will never change to “Unlocked”. Then we’re stuck.

To solve this issue, you can either remove that file or modify its content to “Unlocked”.

You will then have full access to Central Project Management dialog.

© ARC Informatique. All rights reserved. Created 10 01 2014


Created on: 02 Jan 2014 Last update: 13 May 2024