

[KB613]Compatibility issue with Client-Server Archiving

Tags: Archives, LogList, LogViewer, Networking

12 years ago
Applies to:

PcVue version 8.10 SP1 onwards.


This affects networked architectures using client – server archive units.
There was a change in what actions and events could be logged, from a station that is NOT the historical server, after version 8.10 SP1.
Although this is considered to be an enhancement there is the possibility of compatibility issues.


The following table illustrates the change in what can be logged from a station that is NOT the historical server after version 8.10 SP1.

 Action  8.10 SP1
 8.20 SP1 onwards
 Send program  No  Yes
 Alarm acknowledge  No  Yes
 Logon / Logoff  No  Yes
 Alarm mask  No  Yes
 Force variable (Var does not exist on historic server)  No  Yes*
 Force variable (Var exists on historic server)  Yes  Yes
 COS of logged bit NOT on historic server  No  Yes*

* Variable Name is NOT recorded. (Substituted with the variable Description in the Log Viewer.)
COS = Change Of State

In versions 10.0 Update 1, and 9.0 SP3, a compatibility flag was introduced to allow selection of either behavior. In these versions the compatibility flag has to be manually created in the file SvConf.dat in the project’s C folder. The format is:


In version 10.0 SP1 this compatibility flag can be set using an option in the Application Explorer Application Explorer.Project settings.Compatibility


Created on: 30 Nov 2012 Last update: 04 Sep 2024